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Official Opening & Inauguration of Holy Ascension Orthodox Christian Library

On Sunday 21 January, 2024, after the Divine Liturgy, the official opening and inauguration of Holy Ascension Orthodox Christian Library was held. The clergy and faithful said a short prayer for the Library and for all of its future users, donors and benefactors, followed by the blessing of the Library. A brief exhortation was then given on discernment and the importance of spiritual reading.


How the Library Works

Self-serve: Choose your books.


On slips provided, write:

  1. Your name and contact

  2. Books you have borrowed (limit of 2 books per person)

  3. The date of borrowing books. Due date: 1 month from borrow date.

  4. Place slip in secure receptacle.


For more information:

Talk to our librarian Jun, or the clergy, after Sunday services.


*This e-mail address is only for queries related to the library. Checked into weekly.


If you have suggestions for books you want to see in our library, please send us an email!


If you have books about Orthodox Christianity that you no longer need and wish to give away, please consider donating them to our Library for the benefit and spiritual edification of all who visit our Library in the future.


Thank you to those who:

- donated new and second-hand books,

- attached protective covers to the library books,

- donated the library bookcase,

- securing the bookcase,

- gave donations for the library,

- humbly work behind the scenes.

- Thank you to our librarians!


Blessed Reading!


Donations of books in the English language about the Orthodox Church, Church History, Lives of Saints, Orthodox Christian Spirituality…etc, are welcome.

Or you can donate online:

Account Name: Holy Ascension Orthodox Bookstore

BSB: 033134

Account No: 321433

Ref: Library


The Library is under the care of Jun & Irini.

Postal Address

Church Location

32 Electra Street, Williamstown

Address all correspondence to:

Holy Ascension Orthodox Church
PO Box 234, Keilor East, Victoria 3033


​© Copyright 2009 - 2025 Holy Ascension Orthodox Christian Mission Centre Inc.

Incorporated Association # A0053809W

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